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Celebrating 15 years As Idaho's #1 Surrogacy Agency.



A Beautiful Belly...A Beautiful Baby

Every agency has its own personality.

I hope that after reading over this website,

you will feel a connection to ours. <3

If you have any additional questions,

please call Alicia at (208)695-0404.

At the Gift of Surrogacy, we know that surrogacy was not your first choice in growing your family. Our goal is to make sure that we are able to provide you with the best possible alternative. What you will find at the Gift of Surrogacy is: HOPE. You will find it here.

The Gift of Surrogacy does not discriminate based on age, ethnic background, marital status, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. The Gift of Surrogacy, LLC 2005-2016

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be interpreted as formal legal or medical advice, nor the formation of an agency/client relationship




Alicia is a fertility consultant and the founder of the Gift of Surrogacy. Alicia has been established in the fertility world since 2004--making her one of the most experienced fertility specialists in the northwest. Alicia is a 1996 graduate of the College of Idaho with degrees in both Elementary Education and Early Childhood Development. That passion for education shows in her dedication to inform and prepare her clients for this complicated journey. Alicia has worked very closely with the Idaho Legislature to promote positive legislation regarding gestational surrogacy arrangements. Alicia is a loving mother to three exceptional kids, and a four-time proven surrogate. She strives to use her education, knowledge, passion, and expertise to make your surrogacy experience as predictable and enjoyable as possible. Alicia has devoted her career and dedicated her heart to the cause of helping infertile couples to achieve their dream of growing their family...and created the number one agency in the state of Idaho in the process! May yours be the next family that she helps to grow.


About Us
Newborn Girl Sleeping In Wooden Bowl
Newborn Girl Sleeping In Wooden Bowl
Twin Baby Boys Sleeping In A Basket






A place to begin for the intended parents...

Our primary goal is to make your surrogacy experience as stress-free as possible. We intend to actually save you from the drama you were hoping to eliminate by using an agency. We became involved in surrogacy as a labor of love, and we know that it takes a village to make your journey a success. 

The act of being involved in a surrogate pregnancy is so complex; simply anticipating the journey can be overwhelming. However, there is no greater reward, than the birth of your child. Having been surrogates, we cannot begin to describe the feeling of handing a baby to the intended parents. We were involved in their miracle. Yes, we loved their child, they trusted us with its care for nine months, but what we loved more, was the idea of helping to create their new family. We knew in our hearts that there had never been a more wanted or wished-for child. For a time, we were family, related by the child inside of us. And, when in a hospital room in Boise, the journey was complete; the friendship and mutual respect did not end. We hope that you will enjoy that same experience with your future surrogate.


So, you are considering becoming a surrogate…

If you think you might be a good candidate to be a surrogate, we tend to agree! If you are unsure where to start, congratulations, you are here! We once sat before this website just as you are today. Let us begin by saying that we already feel like we know you. Surrogate minds think alike. We know that above all else, you value your family. We know that every time your baby kicked inside of your belly, you were reminded that you were taking part in a miracle. We know that your life began the day you became a mother. We know that you cannot imagine what life would be like in a home without children. And, we know that you have felt called to help another couple to realize their dream of growing a family. Beyond fulfilling a couple’s dream, you are giving someone an unimaginable gift, the gift of life. In theory, surrogacy is simple: you carry a child for someone else. In reality, it is a complex journey that you do not want to embark upon without support. We are so proud of the impact The Gift of Surrogacy has made in this world. We hope that we will be able to add you to the proud legacy of our agency!

The Surrogate Solution

No one anticipates that they will experience fertility problems, yet, 1 out of 4 couples in the USA are faced with some form of infertility. Since the early 1990’s there has been a rapid increase in the number of couples who choose surrogacy as their solution to those fertility issues.

One of the major reasons for the increased popularity of surrogacy is the steady decline in the number of healthy newborns readily available for adoption. There can be as many as seventy couples vying to adopt a single newborn. And, there is an increased risk with adoption: the birth-mother’s right to change her mind. Thanks to updated legislation, the headline “surrogacy gone wrong” cases are a thing of the past. The new class of surrogate, the “gestational” surrogate has eliminated those concerns for the intended parents. A gestational surrogate, by definition, has no genetic link to the child that she is carrying. Therefore, the child is the genetic property of the intended parents and the surrogacy contract is legally recognized and enforceable.

By choosing surrogacy, intended parents have found a way to take control of their infertility. They are able to have a baby that is genetically related to one or both of the parents and surrogacy gives them the ability to be involved in every aspect of the pregnancy—from prior to conception through the birth. 

The surrogate solution is more common than most people might think.  More than 65,000 children have been born as the result of surrogate pregnancies. For many couples, it was not only a valid option, surrogacy was the solution.






What is surrogacy? Surrogacy is the process of a woman carrying a pregnancy for a parent or couple who is unable to carry a child on their own.

What are the differences between gestational and traditional surrogacy? The defining factor is whether or not a surrogate has a genetic link to the child that she is carrying.  In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant through in-vitro fertilization. The eggs come from either the intended mother, or an egg donor. Either the intended father or a sperm donor would provide the sperm. The surrogate receives the fertilized egg through a medical procedure where the embryo is placed in her womb. The gestational surrogate has no genetic link to the baby she is carrying. A traditional surrogacy occurs when the surrogate becomes pregnant through inter-uterine insemination where sperm fertilizes her own eggs. The traditional surrogate has a biological and genetic link to the resulting child.

Why Idaho? The Gift of Surrogacy is located in Boise, Idaho…right in the heart of the Treasure Valley.  Our surrogates are located here, as well, and enjoy an Idaho way of life.  We think you will agree that this family-oriented, healthy, and active lifestyle provides surrogates of the highest quality. Total costs for a surrogate arrangement in Idaho average approximately $90,000-$120,000.  This total includes the surrogate comp, agency fee, clinical package (creation of the embryos), monitoring costs, and psych/legal fees.  This total is 30-50% less than you would find in an East or West Coast market.  

Yes, Idaho!  Now, why the Gift of Surrogacy? The Gift of Surrogacy has had over 500 births since 2005.  The Gift of Surrogacy matches approximately 20 surrogates with Intended Parents each year.  We have the highest number of proven surrogates in the Northwest listed with our agency.  Our monthly support groups have an average of 20 surrogates in attendance--this is comparable to a California agency, it exists nowhere else in Idaho. And, our surrogates have the most valuable resource: other surrogates who have gone through a surrogate journey themselves. If you were going to be a surrogate in the state of Idaho—you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!          

How often will the intended parents need to travel to Idaho? The truth is that we would love to have you visit as much as possible, but it is likely that it would only be necessary for you to travel to Boise for the delivery. Two days after delivery, upon being released from the hospital, you can return home. After the birth it usually takes less than one month to finalize all of the legal paperwork.    

How much are surrogates paid? Surrogate fees range from $0-$100,000. The national average for first-time surrogates is just at or over $50,000, and $60,000 for proven surrogates. Our first-time surrogates receive $50,000 in compensation and a minimum of $60,000 for 1X proven surrogates as of 2023.   

Why are proven Surrogates paid so much more than first time Surrogates? Surrogacy is not for everyone. Some surrogates will say that it is something they would not choose to do again. A proven surrogate knows exactly what to expect, as does her husband and family; and together they have decided to begin another journey.  For many couples, this invaluable experience is worth the increased price. Other intended parents feel that using a proven surrogate reduces some of their apprehension, knowing that the surrogate has successfully delivered a baby to intended parents before. In addition, proven surrogates have established that the IVF process works for them.

Will it ever cost anything to be a surrogate? There are no out-of-pocket expenses associated with being a surrogate. The intended parents take care of all of their surrogate’s expenses, including prescriptions and medical bills. There might be an occasion where a surrogate would need to pick up a prescription, but the intended parents would later reimburse her for that amount.

What does surrogacy cost intended parents? A surrogate pregnancy can cost the intended parents in the range of $90,000 to $120,000--and sometimes more. Common variables are: the surrogate fee, a singleton or multiples pregnancy, the clinic package, out-of-pocket medical expenses, use of an egg or sperm donor, bed rest fees, etc. The number of cycles required to achieve a viable pregnancy can also increase the cost significantly.  If you have already acquired frozen embryos, the total can be as low as $70,000.

How long do the surrogates with the Gift of Surrogacy wait to be matched to intended parents? Honestly it depends on a variety of factors.  The most important thing is who the surrogate is matched with, not how quickly. It may take a few months for a surrogate to find her perfect match. As of 2023 there is a shortage of surrogates and intended parents are typically waiting 6-12 months for transfer.

What advantages does surrogacy have over adoption? Many couples want a child that is "theirs."  Surrogacy is often the only way for a couple to have a child that has a genetic link to one or both of the intended parents. Surrogacy also allows the intended parents to become emotionally invested in the pregnancy knowing their unborn child is receiving the best medical care possible. In the case of adoption, the numbers may be against the Intended Parents.  There can be as many as seventy (70) couples vying to adopt a single newborn.  Adoption, in general, can be a very emotionally risky process; surrogacy gives the intended parents increased peace of mind as well as clear legal standing.

Will the Intended Parents have to adopt their own child? When a surrogate delivers in Idaho, a court proceeding will take place in order for the names of the intended parents to be placed on the birth certificate. One parent may obtain a pre-birth order, and parentage can then be clearly established once we have a live-birth. The attorney will submit all documentation confirming the surrogate arrangement and that the intended parents are the genetic and/or legal parents.  The surrogate will terminate her legal rights, and the other intended parent can assume theirs. Just to clarify, the baby never leaves the intended parent’s custody or control once he/she is born.

What advantages does an agency give you over a non-agency surrogacy arrangement? There are many advantages to having an agency assist you with your arrangement. A quality agency provides protection and support to all parties involved. We believe the number one advantage of using an agency is that we can use our experience as a guide to make your journey as simple, and predictable, as possible. For the intended parents, a reputable agency provides high quality surrogates who have been screened and, in our case, educated extensively. For the surrogate, she will have a support system in place throughout the entire process. For both parties, all can rest assured that they will receive the mental, emotional, and legal support this process requires.  When all parties have proper guidance and realistic expectations, surrogacy is an incredibly satisfying and rewarding experience. Choosing not to utilize an agency puts each party, as well as any resulting child, at greater risk of potential disappointment.

What advantages does the Gift of Surrogacy provide when compared to other agencies? This is absolutely our favorite question at The Gift of Surrogacy! First, we have dedicated our lives to the cause of surrogacy.  Second, we discuss each client briefly each day, and in-depth on a weekly basis. We will always know who you are, where you are at in the process, what needs to be done for you next, and when it needs to be done. Third, we are small enough to provide you with individualized care, yet maintain enough support to provide you with answers seamlessly in the event that one of us is unavailable. Fourth, we are thoroughly educated in every single aspect of surrogacy. We are 100% confident in our ability to guide you through this process, and provide you with information that is on the cutting-edge of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Fifth, we take great pride in choosing the surrogates we represent. We love the fact that the majority of our surrogates enjoy the Idaho way of life.  We think you will agree that this family-oriented, healthy, and active lifestyle provides surrogates of the highest quality. Finally, and most importantly, we have made surrogacy our focus because it feeds our soul. The Gift of Surrogacy is truly a labor of love, and with each family that we help to grow, we are reminded that we were allowed to participate in their miracle...and that there is no greater gift than that of a child. 

What is the ideal number of surrogates for The Gift of Surrogacy to represent at any given time? At any given time we have approximately 45 active surrogates. Of those, likely 25 are pregnant. This allows for us to provide them with unequaled care, and to be attentive to any and all of their needs.  The majority of our surrogates reside here in the Treasure Valley, this allows us to be very involved in every stage of their pregnancies.  Keeping this optimum number of surrogates is especially important when the Intended Parents live out of state and are trusting the agency to care for their surrogate in their absence.  We are dedicated to keeping the number of our active clients in this manageable range in order to best serve everyone's needs. 

What are the requirements for being a surrogate? Potential candidates should be between the ages of 22 and 42 years old, like being pregnant, and desire to help another family. She should be a non-smoker who maintains a healthy lifestyle, is willing to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy and limit caffeine intake. She should have a healthy height/weight ratio (BMI), a history of full-term healthy pregnancy, physical custody of the resulting child or children, and health insurance. She must also be financially stable, have a safe home environment, and not be receiving state assistance.

Is a surrogate allowed to use her private insurance for a surrogacy? Yes, as long as her policy does not have an explicit surrogacy exclusion denying use of the policy in the case of compensated surrogacy.    

Do I have to be willing to carry multiples? All potential surrogates should at least be open to the prospect of carrying twins. Twins occur in as many as 25% of surrogate pregnancies, but that number is decreasing each year. Some intended parents are actually trying to achieve a twin pregnancy, in our experience, these have been very healthy pregnancies and deliveries.  However, it is the strong belief of our agency, that a surrogate should not carry a triplet pregnancy.  To this end, intended parents and their surrogate have to have a healthy understanding of the psychological ramifications of fetal reduction in the event of triplets. Also, there has been a recent shift in the IVF community and many clinics are recommending single embryo transfers. These result in twin pregnancies less than 1% of the time.

When giving birth to the intended parent's child, will I be allowed to have an epidural? Of course it is their baby, but it is your body.  You are allowed any hospital approved pain relief you wish to request during child birth. This is an issue which is addressed in contract negotiations, but it is important to remember that even if both parties plan to have a drug-free birth, everyone needs to be flexible the day of the delivery--as things can change quickly.  Ultimately, it is your decision, and should we encounter an intended parent who requests a drug-free birth, they will only be matched with a like-minded surrogate.

What if I miss the birth? It rarely happens that the intended parents do not make it to the delivery. We will do everything possible to insure that you get to witness the birth of your child. In cases of a high-risk or C-section delivery, sometimes only one support person is permitted in the room. In these instances we strictly follow all hospital policies--specifically that the support person will be chosen by the surrogate and it is possible that both intended parents might have to wait in recovery.

If I don’t get pregnant the first time, does that mean I was not a good candidate to be a surrogate? Women who are considered to be naturally fertile make great potential surrogates, however, it does not guarantee success in a clinical pregnancy. Embryo quality is the primary determining factor as to whether or not a transfer will take. There are also several extenuating circumstances; egg and embryo quality, the number of embryos transferred, etc.  If the intended parents are aggressive in their approach they can have excellent chances of getting pregnant the very first time. However, if the intended parents are more conservative, the odds can be more likely that a surrogate will not get pregnant during cycle one, than that she will. In this case, a second and possible third cycle may be necessary.  

Do surrogates commit to a certain number of transfers, or are there additional fees associated if a viable pregnancy is not achieved in a given amount of time? Surrogates, in good faith, agree to three consecutive transfers.  In an extremely rare case, there might be a situation where the intended parents or a surrogate chooses to move on before the second or third attempt.  If that should occur, the Gift of Surrogacy would arrange for a replacement surrogate with a low ($3000) rematching fee. However, most surrogates establish very meaningful relationships with their Intended Parents, and choose to stay involved for as many transfers as their Intended Parents are willing to attempt. 

I have heard that Surrogates have to give themselves dozens of injections, is that true? We have good news and bad news. The bad news: it's true. If you are thinking “but...I hate needles,” do not worry, once you get over the initial shock, and you will, the injections will seem just a normal part of your daily routine. The good news: those little shots are going to give you the best possible chance to bring a baby into the world for your intended parents. Everyone who has been through the series of injections felt intimidated at first. After just two days, you will be so proud of yourself; and amazed by how simple, and relatively painless the process is. You will also have a lot of help.  You will attend a “shot class” at the reproductive clinic where a nurse will help you through the initial injections, and we will always be available to assist you in any way possible.  And, finally, when you "graduate" from the clinic at nine weeks, you can celebrate the end of the injections, as well. 

I am seriously considering becoming a surrogate, but a few of the people who are close to me are not convinced that it is a good idea, have other surrogates encountered this same type of resistance? At the Gift of Surrogacy, surrogacy is such a huge and natural part of our lives that we often forget that the concept can be completely foreign. Many surrogates encounter resistance from a friend, parent, or family member when initially considering becoming a surrogate. We generally find that these concerns are best addressed with additional knowledge. Being educated and passionate about being a surrogate--and the ability to speak intelligently on the topic of surrogacy, are usually your best defense. Ultimately, what is most important is that the surrogate and her partner are on the same page.

Does The Gift of Surrogacy represent egg donors? We do not. The local fertility clinic we work with (ICRM) has high quality egg donors available for every cycle, and also accepts new egg donor applicants. And, we have worked with egg donor agencies all over the US. Additionally, being an egg donor is a very different process from being a surrogate. Surrogates commit approximately one-year of their lives to the process, establish relationships with the intended parents, and are very emotionally invested. For those reasons, a surrogate requires a lot of support, the kind of support provided by an agency. For the most part, non-familial egg donors are anonymous, and the entire process takes about five weeks. These types of egg donors are less likely to require the services of a full-service agency.

Will the surrogate feel the same bond for the baby as she felt for her own child? Being a surrogate is a very different experience from carrying your own child. Your feelings are determined largely by your expectations. When you are carrying your own child, you are preparing to welcome your baby into your family and into your home. You prepare the nursery, purchase baby clothes, pick out a name, and anticipate bringing your baby home and raising him/her. When you are a surrogate, your expectations are that when everyone is released from the hospital, the intended parents will take their child home, and that your part of the process will be complete. As a surrogate, you are aware that you are not the parent. And if a surrogate should find that, after the birth, she experiences a sense of loss--she has the agency and 20-30 other surrogates to support her through those natural hormones and feelings.

If you have reviewed our website and the FAQ in their entirety, Congrats! You are now very knowledgeable in the world of surrogacy. ;)   




AGENCY FEE $12,000 TO $15,000 

ATTORNEY FEE $7500 TO $10,000





SAMPLE ACCRUAL SCHEDULE is a sample only. Lawyer, Psychologist, Medical Fees etc. will depend on your chosen provider.

IP’s are responsible for all out-of-pocket medical expenses related to the surrogate pregnancy, the average is $12,000-$18,000. IP’s are responsible for premiums related to any supplemental insurance policies, as well as for a $350,000 term life policy.

In the event of denial of coverage the IP's are responsible for medical bills related to the surrogate pregnancy and delivery.

In the event their surrogate must travel for IVF, the IP’s are responsible for all travel related expenses.

IP’s are responsible for bed-rest and a $5000 postpartum recovery fee..

THE AGENCY FEE is paid prior to an official match. There will be no refunds of any kind pertaining to the agency fee, rematch only.

IVF CLINIC/MONITORING FEES are not included in this sample. All fertility clinic fees (bloodwork, egg donor, egg retrieval, sperm testing, creation of the embryos, embryo transfer, all monitoring, ultrasounds, additional procedures, embryo storage, embryo shipping, etc) are set by the clinic, payable to the clinic, and completely separate from any above-listed surrogacy-related amounts and fees. Contact your local clinic for relative charges and fees. Clinic fees vary depending on each patient's unique medical situation. Updated 1 September 2023.

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