The Mock Agency

We started by seriously investing a good six months into research and development before opening the business. We spent a lot of time analyzing other agencies and created the exact type of agency I wish I had found my first time as a surrogate. Then we set out to find the best possible support staff. We found the most innovative psychologist in Idaho who established herself as the most prominent surrogate evaluator in Idaho. We also partnered with the Northwest’s premier lawyer specializing in surrogate contracts. We work very closely with the Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine (ICRM) and have also coordinated with fertility clinics from all over the world. Finally, we have enlisted the services of the most senior OB/GYN in all of the Northwest who specializes in surrogate pregnancies.
We have met with nothing but excellent surrogate candidates, and are so excited by the quality of support that we have been able to offer. The Gift of Surrogacy started out as a labor of love, and has evolved into an agency that has seen almost 200 births over its first ten years. My introduction into the world of surrogacy was filled with uncertainty, confusion, and disappointment. From that negative beginning came the most wonderful solution: the Gift of Surrogacy. This agency was created because I knew it could be done better. And, that's exactly what we have done.